Tag: eating disorder

Somewhere in Between

32 I am somewhere in between “I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I’M FEELIN’ 32” and “32 and still growing up now” 31 was hands down the worst, hardest year of my life. Not because anything significantly wrong happened to me, but it was the year of awakening to how


Ok so obviously this song is about Kanye (maybe a lil scooter, too) and it’s the only song I am going to write simply on speculation because I can’t… not. This is actually one of my favorite songs on this album because it’s just fun and if you don’t like


Listen to Tolerate it, and then Bejeweled and get ready to cry. These songs have similar narratives but different genre and tone. A lot of people hear pop music and discount it for its heartache and seriousness, but the lyrics alone are actually quite sad – but written in a

You’re On Your Own, Kid

You’re on your own, kid.

Anti Hero – Music Video Analysis

I decided to write a blog only on the music video and will be breaking down this song next week for the lyrics alone. As a swiftie it’s fun to see all of the past eras that Taylor put into this video – most which I’m sure I’ll miss. I

Shunning the Anti Hero

Shunning the Anti-Hero; Criticizing those representing their struggle instead of the actual problem itself.

Sickness & Healing

Hey Fam, It’s been a minute since I have just chatted about my recovery on here – so I thought I would take time to do that. I’ve had a LOT of new followers on the blog pop up [woof] and I’m unsure if it’s my Taylor Swift content or

Living in a body that doesn’t reflect its disorder; Part II

Where do I begin. I think I should make this blog with subtitles for each category that I’m about to word vomit. Mental Health and Teaching:I think students forget that their teachers, professors and ‘role-models’ also deal with mental health problems pretty significantly. This month has probably been the worst

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